News items from 2013 & 2014. (Pre-2013 here)
31/12/14 Robin is co-ordinating bank clearing as usual and has asked members to meet on Sunday morning at Caddaford layby 9.30 a.m. We hope to post a comprehensive programme sometime next week. Happy New Year to all.
4/12 – On sunday 14th December, Dartmoor Electric Bikes will ride out to Pizzwell (walla brook), Bellever (east dart) , Postbridge (cherry brook and stannon brook), Runnage (walla brook) to check / observe spawning activity. The bikes are a fun and a wonderful way to see Dartmoor. Spaces limited to 5, and meet Beltor car park. Duration 2-3 hrs. All proceeds to Dart Angling Association . Cost : £10 per head. Call Luke on 01364 631292 to reserve your place.
7/11/14 – Recent Angling Trust activity:
Representatives of The Angling trust and other angling bodies recently held an ‘Angling Summit’ meeting with environment minister George Eustace. Subsequently, the Trust’s Cheif Executive, Mark Lloyd sent the following letter to the minister outlining the main points discussed.
Also, Fish Legal, the Angling Trust’s legal arm, has called for action to restore wild fisheries following the closure of hatcheries in Wales.
“Following the decision by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that it will end all salmon and sea trout stocking into rivers in Wales and will close all but one hatchery at Cynrig, Fish Legal has called on NRW to develop a robust and concerted action plan to tackle the longstanding problems causing wild fish decline.” > Read more
21/10 – Please make sure that catch return are completed and forwarded to the hon sec promptly. Correlating the figures in time for the AGM is a time consuming busines – even in a lean season !
20/10 – No fish were reported in the last few days of the extension even though the water was at times perfect. Those rods who did venture out saw little in the way of resident or running salmon. Any last minute catches should be reported to the hon sec asap.
20/10 – The AGM and dinner takes place on Friday December the 5th in Staverton. The meeting starts at 6.00 pm and dinner follows at 7.45. By now all members should have received details by post. Raffle tickets will be available from Derek on the night.
9/10 – A clean salmon of 7lb was caught yesterday on the church commissioners water. It swam away strongly. One or two others have been reported ascending weirs. Welcome rain at last.
1/10/14 – We are informed that regardless of the low water conditions the raft race will go ahead on the 5th of this month.
Work on the weir at Halliwells has now finished and at least two sea trout were caught there before the end of the season.
12/9/14 – The salmon season extension is confirmed for this year and will run until 14th October. Salmon members will shortly be receiving their permission form and catch return pack by post. As always permission is for catch and release only and subject to other regulations (barbless hooks, times etc…) as detailed on the form.
Those intending to fish the extension should note that the Raft Race will take place on 5th October, which would make for challenging fishing!
6/9/14 – Four salmon caught on Association Water last week. Darren’s (see below) father, fishing on a day ticket had two and Derek Mayhill also had two. Methods unknown but probably spinner, pattern unknown.
25/8/14 – Darren Sinton reports catching a salmon on the lower river. The fish fell to a spinner. Here’s hoping that the latest rain encourages some movement and the appearance of a few fish.
Anglers launch legal challenge against canoeing National Governing Bodies
Following a steady increase in complaints of canoe trespass incidents from angling clubs and fishery owners, Fish Legal has sent a legal “letter before action” to the British Canoe Union (BCU), Canoe Wales (CW) and Canoe England (CE) demanding that they stop publishing information suggesting that there is a general right of navigation on non-tidal waterways in England and Wales, and/or that the law relating to navigation on rivers is unclear. There is no such general right of navigation in law and permission for access is required for people to use boats on rivers.
Fish Legal and the Angling Trust have written repeatedly to the BCU over the past few years to explain the law and to ask that incorrect information is removed from web sites and other publications, but these requests have been ignored. Legal action to force these organisations to stop publishing this information – which can encourage unlawful behaviour – now seems to be the only option. The action will be backed by subscription income from Fish Legal members along with donations made over the past year from more than 100 angling clubs to the Sustainable Access Campaign Cymru.
A response to the “letter before action” is pending and the Angling Trust and Fish Legal hope that taking this formal step may encourage the BCU, CE and CW to resolve matters constructively, without the need to go to court.
Fish Legal will seek “declaratory relief” through the courts unless BCU, CW and CE amend their publications and stop publishing inaccurate information about the law to their members and the public. The recent upsurge in unlawful canoeing in England and Wales has damaged the rights of several angling clubs and fishery owners. Many canoeists have the false impression that they can take their boats down rivers wherever and whenever they like. The Angling Trust and Fish Legal believe that the actions of BCU, CW and CE have contributed to this widespread trespass.
Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust and Fish Legal said: “We are taking action to stop the canoeing governing bodies publishing inaccurate information and to protect the rights of our member angling clubs and riparian owners. This may now include court proceedings. Our members have often tried to make agreements with canoeing clubs for greater access, with reasonable conditions to protect the water environment and avoid interference with fishing. However, these offers are repeatedly rejected, because the canoeing governing bodies insist that such agreements must allow unlimited access, or that permission is not needed.”
He added: “We hope that this legal action, if it proves necessary, will settle beyond any doubt the issue of rights to navigate on rivers. We need the canoeing governing bodies to recognise that the law is clear and that permission is required. If this occurs, then we will be happy to work closely with them and our members to develop access agreements which make it possible for more people to go canoeing more often, without breaking the law or unreasonably interfering with angling.”
1/8/14 Not a lot to report. Still waiting for the first salmon of the season on the DAA though grilse have apparently been seen in TWP. Reasonable shoals of smallish school peal throughout with one or two bigger sea trout amongst them . A spate or two might work wonders.
4/7/14 –

1/7/14 News in of a big sea trout caught from the church commissioners water a week ago. The fish was estimated at 9.8 lbs. Hopefully more information to come.
27/6/14 The Hon Sec has had two interesting experience in TWP recently. One night whilst wading he felt something brushing his legs. Mildly alarmed, but with no sense of panic, he shone his torch on a 10lb salmon that had virtually swum between his feet. sadly the poor fish was covered in disease and was presumably unable to hold station in the main flow. A few nights later he hooked a fish that he assumed was a sea trout. It was in fact an allis shad weighing in the region of 3lbs. Related to a herring these fish run some welsh and south west rivers to spawn in fresh water, and are heavily protected. Whether it was destined for higher up or had simply taken a wrong turning is unknown.
27/6/14 One member has reported finding two dead sea trout in TWP. Please let us know if more are spotted. On a brighter note, one of our newer members has sent pictures of lamprey spawning in caddaford turn. Their redds are not dissimilar in look and construction to that of a big sea trout or grilse. These amazing creatures run the Wye in numbers each June and usually do not penetrate as far up the system as salmon and sea trout. Care should be taken when wading good gravel in the lower river – if only to give them best chance of producing. Pictures to follow.
25/6//14 Low flows, reduced runs of sea tout and wonderful weather have resulted in a quiet few weeks on the river. Welcome sightings of school peal in TWP recently, but still no reports of salmon caught as we approach July though one has been taken on the upper river. Big seatrout have been taken up river, and one of approx 15 lbs was found dead in the Spitchwick area. but generally fishing has been slow.
22/5/14 Regrettably, there is some evidence of disease in the river at present. This is often the case in May and June (see post and pic 21/6 2013) Primary infection – UDN – is usually characterised by white ulcers on the sea trout / salmon’s head, and secondary infection – Saprolegnia – spreads as a white fungus to the back and flanks. Its a good idea to check your catch carefully, as ,in the early stage of primary infection it may not be that obvious.
22/5/14 A note to confirm that this years canoe race will take place on October 5th
21/5/14 We are sad to report that Life member and ex Chairman of the Association Dr Dick Greig has passed away aged 83. We extend are condolences to Sheila and family. There is to be a thanksgiving service at Dartington Parish church, and we will publish details as soon as they are available.
19/5/14 News in of a fine 7lb sea trout from the lower river.
14/5/14 Sea trout were seen running the lower river yesterday and reports are filtering in of catches throughout the system and onto Dartmoor. These include fish of 4lb and approx 9lb to DAA members, and a notable first sea trout of 3lb to junior member Alasdair Sherry. . News also of a salmon lost though not on DAA water. With realistic prospects of a fish at last, hedgerow flowers in abundance and ever present fragrance of wild garlic, its a great time to be on the river bank.
13/5/15 More of the same on the river. Plenty of weekend rain providing perfect running water for any fish that may be in the system. One significant catch reported : a poacher apprehended at Kilbury by one of our fitter members: his bait of choice was sweetcorn and he was driving a white van. The forecast is for several days of drier weather so perhaps we will get settled conditions and good night fishing before too long.
7/5/15 It is worth noting that in 1969 35 salmon (mostly springers) were caught between Kilbury weir and Nursery pool. Times have clearly changed, but nevertheless this stretch was once highly productive and should not be overlooked.
7/5/15 News from the river remains quiet and is consistent with reports throughout the South West. There have been reports of individual(s) fishing DAA water and claiming to be members. This was apparently untrue as the names given did not match any on our membership. We would ask members to contact the Hon Sec if concerned, or in extreme cases to quote the number below (116/11) if contacting the police.
Every offence which the police are duty bound to deal with has a unique Home Office Code. We now have the Code for Theft of Fishing Rights: 116/11. If, therefore, anglers quote this when reporting incidents, the police will understand that they must deal with the matter, rather than misinterpret the situation as a civil matter and/or attempt to pass the job over to the EA. Provision of the Code will mean that from the initial stage the call taker will understand that this is a police matter, and police officers responding can check the relevant instructions.
6/5/14 Please note that these regulations apply ONLY to the DFA
6/5/14 And their Regulations for 2014
6/5/14 DFA 2014 AGM minutes are here
2/5/14 Apologies for the delay in posting the minutes of the DFA AGM (held in march). Hopefully this will be rectified soon.
2/5/14 More settled weather should ensure near perfect night fishing conditions this bank holiday weekend and fish do seem to be trickling into the system though perhaps not in numbers as yet. Another fish (maybe two) reported by the Hon Sec, one or two lost, and others seen (as far up as Spitchwick) .
24/4/14 The Hon Sec has got the association off the mark. His efforts at last rewarded with a beautifully proportioned 2.5 lb sea trout from TWP. Evidence again that in lean times ‘perseverance furthers’, and hopefully an indication of better things to come.
Those members wishing to fish Haliwells should bear in mind that the flow has altered drastically as a result of winter floods removing a third of the ‘lip’. Now, other than in high water conditions, no water goes over the middle of the weir, and the main current follows the line of the true left bank. Care should be taken at especially at night. it remains to be seen whether / how the changes will effect the fishing.
24/4/14 As was the case last year, our sea trout run appears late although the reasons are likely to be different. Many anglers have tried there luck at night up and down river, and to date no catches have been reported and little if anything seen. Last year’s cold snap was blamed for the late arrival, but this spring has so far been very mild and water conditions have been high enough to carry fish some way upstream. A small but dedicated number of salmon anglers have taken advantage of near on ‘perfect’ conditions, but the their efforts too have been unrewarded so far. Other south west rivers, including the Wye have reported a similar trend.
8/4/14 These pictures taken on monday show Haliwells in full spate and rising. The forcast up to and including the weekend is for settled and drier weather.
2/4/14 This link provides information about several fly fishing films that are to be shown at the Exeter Picturehouse . . . .if this interesting project is well attended it might lead to a regular ‘slot’. Check it out !
2/4/14 The spey casting clinic on the 15th was enjoyed by all attendees so a big thanks to Nick Taylor for his time, expertise and patience. Nick can be contacted via the Hon Sec by anyone wanting individual tuition.
2/4/14 No fish recorded to date though fresh fish have been spotted in TWP. Effort will surely pick up from now. A reminder that catches will be reported on this news page and that ‘catch reports’ link is no longer active.
1/4/14 Members may now fish the true right bank from below Kilberry weir to Austin’s bridge. In places the bank is a little treacherous so care should be taken.
13/3/14 A reminder that the Dart Fisheries Association AGM will be held at the Dartmoor Lodge Ashburton (Pear tree Cross) tomorrow evening (14th) 6.00pm for 6.30 pm. At some point in the evening a presentation will be made to John Richmond who is retiring from the committee after 40 years of outstanding service. A carvery supper will be available when the meeting concludes (cost �10). It should be an interesting evening and a good opportunity to meet up with anglers from all parts of the river to exchanging news and views. A great way to start the season, and the agenda / hon sec’s report can be seen in full below.
6/3/14 A session of the Spey casting lessons mentioned in the recent newsletter will take place on Sat 15th March, from 10am. on the Littlehempston bank of Totnes weirpool. The session will take the form of a casting clinic with DAA member Nick Taylor AAPGAI in attendance. The session is free and all members are welcome. Owing to the lack of parking at the venue it might be wise to share a car.
26/2/14 Dave Grove is once again co-ordinating the Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championship and is asking for volunteers to help out as ‘Controllers’ on one or more days. The event takes place on June 6th,7th and 8th on East and West Dart . Dave can be contacted on 01626 821 790.
26/2/14 Fiday night’s talk about Sea trout at Staverton Village hall promises to be fascinating. The paragraph below says a little bit about the Atlantic Aquatic Resource Conservation (AARC)
At the University of Exeter, we are using genetic methods to study resident Brown Trout and migratory Sea Trout to inform on the management of trout stocks in southern Britain with the ultimate aim of improving our understanding of the marine phase of the Sea Trout life cycle so that they can be better protected by regional, national and European law. As a first step towards improving our knowledge base, we are examining the population genetic structure for native populations of Brown Trout from rivers known to have major Sea Trout runs. Samples have been collected from 65 southern British and northern European rivers and screened for variation at suite of genetic markers. Preliminary results indicate significant genetic structuring, with chalk stream populations being distinct from populations from more acidic western rivers. Each of these two main groups can be further subdivided such that there are several distinct genetic groups, usually corresponding to a number of neighboring rivers.
The utility of the genetic baseline for assigning marine and estuarine caught sea trout to river of origin will be demonstrated using a set of 700 samples obtained from the Environment Agency run trap on the River Tamar, as well as a set of fish caught in the rod fishery within the Tamar catchment.
22/2/14 Tomorrow’s bank clearing has been cancelled.
19/2/14 The DART FISHERIES AGM will be held at the Dartmoor Lodge, Ashburton (Pear tree cross) on Friday March 14th. The guest speaker is Roger Furniss fom the South West Rivers Association.
19/2/14. FISHING REGULATIONS : Fishing regulations remain unchanged this year. Salmon are still subject to national byelaws with all fish to be released before June 16th. We intend to again relax the associationruling/regulation that the first salmon caught on our water after June 16th must also be released. This ruling is subject to strict annual review. The limit of two salmon per season (maximum) remains though catch and release is encouraged at all times. Our membership has an outstanding and well established conservation ethic. The committee hope that allowing the first salmon after June 16th to be taken will encourage angling effort and salmon fishing in particular. 19 Salmon were caught last year of which 17 were returned. overal 2013 was a poor season,and we hope that the trial first fish will allow for better analysis of angling effort. Sea trout regulations remain unchanged in 2014 with a limit of two fish taken per day. The Association asks all its members and visiting anglers to return fish of 5lb and over and not to keep anything under twelve inches. 8/2/14 – Bank maintenance will be taking place tomorrow (9th) at Halliwells and on the following two Sundays (16th & 23rd) at Lower Stile Pool. Please come and join in if you can. if walking down the railway line please make sure you wear a High Viz garment.
20/1/14 For those members interested in fly tying, the highlands, and eccentric individuals, a film about Megan Boyd the famous Scottish hermit come fly tyer extraordinaire will be showing at Dartington later this week. Check the Barn cinema website for exact information. The film is called ‘kiss the water,’ and is very well reviewed.
20/1/14 For some years now we have rented water upstream of Hood Bridge on the true right bank. For the 2014 season the owner has decided on a different arrangement and unfortunately this fishing will not be available to the association. The Hon Sec will notify members of any future developments.
18/1/14 Tomorrow’s bank clearing (check first thing to see if on) will meet on the Fogden’s side of the river and work down the true right bank. This is a change of plan owing to the exceptional progress made last weekend.
9/1/14 Anyone wanting to add their signature to the petition against the resumption of net fishing for salmon off the scottish coast can do so via the link below.
Last Sunday CBC’s Land and Sea aired a 22-minute program on wild Atlantic salmon and the efforts of volunteer conservationists and scientists to restore the species. It will ONLY be viewable on the website until this coming weekend. Worth watching!
Petition Against Resumption of Net-fishing of Salmon in Scotland
Due to the falling numbers of salmon there has been a voluntary 14-year cessation of net-fishing in Scotland, but now that fishery will resume unless the Scottish government steps in. If you are concerned for the future of wild Atlantic salmon, consider signing the petition. ASF has a link to the petition site.
To keep track of breaking news on wild Atlantic salmon, use the Atlantic Salmon Federation’s presence on Facebook. Log in, search for Atlantic Salmon Federation, and click “like”
Sunday 12th Jan : Caddaford to Abbotsmead – Church commisioners side and Fogden’s (depending on numbers)
Sunday 19th Jan : Abbotsmead to Quarry Pool – CC
Sunday 26th Jan : Kilbury to Austin’s Bridge / Nursery (depending on numbers)
Sunday 2nd Feb : Hembury Woods
Sunday 9th Feb : Halliwells
Sunday 16th Feb : TBC
Sunday 23rd Feb : TBC
3/1/14 Sunday’s bank clearing has been cancelled due to the adverse forcast. The dates above will of course be subject to weather conditions and are scheduled to start at 9.30 and not 9.00 as previously reported.
2/1/14 Such violent floods may have washed out some salmon and seatrout redds. Given that evidence of spawning has been meagre at best this would be unwelcome news. Check here on saturday evening if you are thinking of bank clearing. It will be dependent on river levels and safety.
2014 (above)
31/12/13 The first bank clearing party will meet at Caddaford layby on sunday 5th (9.00a.m). Robin Thorn hopes to work down the true left bank and all members are welcome.
31/12/13 Our thanks to everyone who contributed to making the AGM/Dinner such an enjoyable evening. Those who were able to attend the meeting will I’m sure be grateful to the Hon Sec and outgoing Chairman for all their hard work. The raffle raised nearly �‚£1000 thanks entirely to those of you (too numerous to name) who contributed prizes for the draw and to Rob Dart’s dedication,humour and powers of persuasion! Julian Sharpe, our newly elected president, made us all feel very comfortable we wish him well in his new role.
27/11/13 Apologies to all members for posting that the AGM and dinner was on 3/12. This was of course incorrect and should have said Friday 6th.
17/10/13 One member went to the river for a final cast and encountered the raft race in all its glory. This should have been listed on this page but was unfortunately forgotten. Apologies to anyone who did not know.
17/10/13 A couple of salmon to report during the extension. Anthony Lloyd (15lbs) and Andy Myall (6lb) from Quarry Pool and Caddaford respectively. Both fish had been in the river a while and were safely returned. These were the only fish reported via catch return email in the entire season. Any fish reported during the 2014 season will be recorded here with the other news , and we will be dropping the ‘catch return’ page . If any other members have news of last minute fish it would be good to hear about it.17/10 A reminder to all that the AGM will be held at Staverton village hall on Friday 6th of December. Dinner afterwards in the sea trout inn.
17/10/13 Members will have received catch return forms by now. It would be greatly appreciated if they could be returned to the Hon secretary in good time.
11/09/13 Last week a pensioner was assaulted on the upper river. He spoke to persons camping close to a favoured sea trout pool and was unfortunately injured during the discussion. Anyone with concerns about anti social behaviour or trespass on the river should contact the secretary and the police. Thankfully this unfortunate incident appears to be relatively isolated.
11/09/13 The salmon season has been extended until October 14th. Members will have received paperwork from the Hon Sec with details. Many fish will be gravid, and even new arrivals will have well extended roe as spawning is only 10 – 12 weeks away. Great care should be taken to return fish as quickly as possible and single barbless hooks must be used. Please do not remove fish from the water for photographs or any other reason.
5/08/13 A CR (casting for recovery) fly box has been found at Caddaford. It contains small dry flies in 6 compartments. Please e mail here or contact the secretary if it is yours.
4/07/13 Members note that Austin’s Bridge is closed for repairs until at least the 14th.
25/06/13 The efficacy / advisability of salmon farms is a current hot topic. . . . . the link below is worth a read. . . .make up your own mind.
25/06/13 Watch the film below to see how govt cover up on fish farming might be affecting your health.
21/06/13 It is with great sadness that the committee has to report the death of Kildare James. Kildare was a fine angler and a great friend of the DAA. His friendship, dedication, and generosity will be greatly missed by those that new him. He passed away peacefully after a short illness , and a funeral service is to be held at 2.30 pm this coming thursday 27th at Stoke Gabriel church.
21/06/13 Members will have noticed the distinct lack of information posted in the ‘catch reports ‘ section. Unfortunately nothing can be reported on this site if not previously reported to us. To date ( mid summer’s day ) we have not received one single phone call or e mail relating to catches, and any information posted is therefore second hand and potentially inaccurate. It may be that we consider withdrawing the page if it is deemed surplus to member’s requirements. Your thoughts would be welcome.
21/06/13 Fungal infection , almost certainly Ulcerative Dermal Necrosis (UDN) has once again been evident in sea trout shoals. To a greater or lesser extent we have become used to an annual spring outbreak, with 2011 being particularly severe ( up to 30% fish in sea trout shoals displaying evidence of disease). Allthough defined as ‘naturally occuring ‘ nobody really knows why, and theories abound. . . it has at times been put down to algae blooms at sea, very cold or very warm springs, etc etc. . . but in truth it just occurs and the causes remain a mystery. It seems to make little difference whether it has been wet or dry, cold or warm.UDN generally manifests as ulcer like lesions (approx the size of a 10 p piece) on the fish’s head. It is a primary infection but the problem often intensifies in low water conditions when abrasions and pollutants can lead to secondary infection – classically Saprolegnia, and development of an all over white fungus that covers the fish and eventually kills it. It was Saprolegnia not UDN that killed so many Wye salmon in the 60’s.
UDN generally manifests as ulcer like lesions on the fish’s head
We appear to suffer more than neighbouring rivers, and are grateful for the support given by CEFAS. More recently we have been introduced to a PHD student in Scotland who is studying the subject in depth . Tests can only be carried out successfully on fish that are alive, and as we do not possess a holding tank it is virtually impossible to deliver to the appropriate office in Weymouth. Hopefully we can start next season well prepared, and if any members have or know of a suitable tank please let us know.
Advice from the ‘professionals’ is contradictory. Some say that fish caught with signs of UDN should be returned to the river , and others say they should be killed. The former believe that many (if not most) recover to spawn so long as there is no secondary infection, and the latter fear that infection will spread to the shoal and therefore favour isolation. Both views are probably right at different times and all we can advise is for anglers to be mindful when landing a fish. One DAA member reports that 2 of his last 3 sea trout had ulcerous lesions atop the head. . . rightly or not, these fish were returned alive. Please let us know if you catch a sea trout with disease. Maybe in time, if we are fortunate enough to get an infected fish to weymouth for analysis, we will better understand the term ‘naturally occuring’. At the very least it would be reassuring to know that river pollutants are not in any way a contributory factor.
27/05/13 One of our members has reported finding a magnetic landing net at Lower Stile pool. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the owner please contact the club secretary.
Sea trout and salmon continue to enter the river in some numbers and angling effort appears to have picked up with night fishing on the lower river really taking off. Unconfirmed reports of a 12lb seatrout and and one or two salmon caught and lost. Its a great time to be by the waterside . . . . trees in leaf (even the ash has caught up. . . enjoy it while you can !), hedgerows at their best until mid June and wild garlic now in its prime.
11/05/13 Sea trout numbers in the lower river have increased in recent days and the rain should have encouraged some dispersal upstream. Conditions should be very good once the river settles again.
11/05/13 Less than a month until the Wild Trout Trust’s annual get together at Prince’s Hall. . . . all details are below and please consider supporting the event. They are a fantastic organisation and are immensely supportive to us.
02/5/13 There does not as yet appear to be a significant head of seatrout in the river. . . let’s hope that like most things this spring they are simply late. Please feel free to report your piscatorial adventures or anything you would like to feature as a news item or in the catch reports.
23/4/13 Our secretary Mr Prowse caught the first reported sea trout from Totnes Weir Pool on the 21st. It was 3lbs and took a largish tube fly. . . . congratulations Phil.
8/4/13 Details of the WTT get together are as follows : WTT AGM 2013 Details and Booking Form.pdf . . . . . . members of DAA most welcome and might consider joining this worthwile and excellent organisation.
21/3/13 The Wild Trout Trust (WTT) will be holding its annual gathering at the Dartmoor Training Centre at Princetown on 8 & 9 June 2013. The Trust is a conservation charity that stimulates hands-on, in-the-water projects, helping others to help themselves with habitat improvement in and around rivers and lakes. Its annual gathering combines talks and a river walk on topical issues around trout conservation with the chance to spend social time with like-minds, be they existing trust supporters or guests. Speakers on the morning of Saturday 8 June include so far the Director of the Westcountry Rivers Trust, Dylan Bright, Andrew Preston, a researcher on triploid brown trout at the University of Stirling, the Director and Conservation Officers of WTT , Nigel Ash of the Dart Angling Association and author, angling writer and scientist, Mark Everard. Saturday afternoon will be an opportunity to walk the river and discuss habitat issues while Sunday will be a chance to fish the glorious upper Dart. Accommodation is available at the Dartmoor Training Centre or a number of local hotels. For further information, see the WTT website ( or contact the WTT office on 023 92 570985 or
21/3/13 The e mail link to this site is now fully functional . . . .still no news of a salmon, though today’s rain should set the river up nicely for the weekend. Please feel free to mail in anything of note.. . . . . .
15/3/13 Memories ,dreams and reflections.. . . a new sea trout season is upon us. Its cold and wet and the hard core night owls will have to wait a little longer. . . . . . in the meantime an opportunity to cast an eye over Derek Myhill’s carefully prepared length / weight chart for guaging the size of our salmon. Derek is quite sure that these figures offer a more accurate estimation of Dart, Teign and Avon fish than other available formulas (Sturdy, Atlantic Salmon Federation salmometer etc)
19″ – 2lb
21″ – 3lb
23″ – 4lb
25″ – 5lb
26″ – 6lb
27″ – 7lb
28″ – 8lb
29″ – 9lb
30″ – 10lb
31″ – 11lb
32″ – 12lb
33″ – 13lb
34″ – 14lb
35″ – 15lb
36″ – 16lb
37″ – 17lb
38″ – 18lb
39″ – 19lb
40″ – 20lb
Derek notes that this well publicised era of poor marine feeding adversely affects the weights of our returning grilse in particular, and appears to be less of a problem for two sea winter salmon .
Please note that this scale does not apply to our sea trout which (length for length) often weigh heavier than our salmon.
27/2/13 – Numbers of kelts have been observed on the lower river. . . perhaps indicative of better spawning. Concerns remain however of gravel migration and ‘redd washout’ after the violence of the winter storms. Given consistent high water, those spent fish lucky enough to outwit the occasional angler or hungry estuarine seal might just return to repeat the cycle. Lets hope so.
16/2/13 – The proposed (17th) removal of a tree stuck on the weir at Haliwells has been posponed due to continuing high water. The next scheduled work will be at TWP on 23/2 . Anyone able to attend would be wise to bring chest waders. . . . meet 9.30 a.m.
14/2/13 – The Wild Trout Trust are always happy to give us practical help and advice concerning the wellbeing of our trout and sea trout stocks when required. A large proportion of their funding is raised by their Internet & Postal Auction. The 2013 catalogue is now available on their website. It includes:
“….exciting and some rarely-available fishing opportunities in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, the Bahamas, Chile and Argentina. Hand-tied flies, fishing tackle, fishing tuition, shooting, art and literature. 235 lots with Guide Prices from �20”
Viewing recommended. Bidding opens on Tuesday 5th March and closes throughout the evening of the 14th.
29/1/13 – Over the next month or two the new webmaster will be learning the ropes. . . . .please be patient if the process of handing over is not completely seamless.
7/1/13 – Robin Thorn will be in charge of this year’s bank maintenance sessions as usual. New members are particularly welcome as this is a very good way of getting to know our waters. All sessions commence at 9.30 a.m. but are subject to weather/ river heights:
Sunday 13th January – Caddaford down to Abbots Mead, CC bank
Sunday 20th January – Nursery Pool- Fogdens ( large tree down)
Sunday 27th January – Hembury – Black Pool etc.
Week day – date to be confirmed- Contact PHIL PROWSE- Kilbury
Sunday 3rd February – Abbots Mead to Quarry
Sunday 10th February – Lower stile to Quarry Pool
Sunday 17th February – Haliwells ( removal of fallen tree subject to water height)
Sunday 24th February – Totnes Weir Pool
For previous years’ news items please go to the News Archive