Subject to weather forecast and river height, the following bank clearing is scheduled to take place, all commencing 9.30am:
8th Jan – Nursery to Abbots Mead- Fogden’s (park in Colston Road)
15th Jan- Kilbury to Austin’s Bridge – Kilbury Weir parking
22nd Jan- Nursery to Abbots Mead (CC) – Caddaford layby
29th Jan- Abbots Mead to Quarry Pool (CC)- Caddaford layby
5th Feb- Quarry to Lower Style (CC)- Stretchford Layby A384
12th Feb- Staverton Weir- Staverton Bridge/ Station
19th Feb- Hangman’s Pool to Park Stickle- Staverton Church
26th Feb- Horsehill – Park at Queen of the Dart parking (please do not obstruct QotD gate) CANCELLED
As much help as possible would be appreciated for this important work. For newer members this is a great opportunity to get to know the river (and your fellow members) better and to work off some of that Christmas pudding!